Un matrimonio intimo da sogno, a Villa Boscarello in Val D’Orcia
Il piccolo matrimonio di Sam e Jerry sembrava proprio come un sogno. Un evento intimo che si è svolto in una location da favola nel cuore della Toscana – a Villa Boscarello, in Val D’Orcia – e che i presenti ricorderanno per sempre.
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Sam e Jerry: due anime adorabili e un esclusivo matrimonio intimo
Questa giovane coppia sorridente britannica aveva un desiderio anticonformista: sposarsi con un piccolo matrimonio all’estero. Hanno scelto l’Italia come destinazione – nello specifico, giurando amore eterno tra le verdi colline della Val D’Orcia: probabilmente il paesaggio più pittoresco in assoluto della Toscana, non credi?
Hanno optato per un matrimonio intimo: provenienti dal Regno Unito insieme a soli 32 invitati. Desideravano che la loro celebrazione fosse semplice e rappresentasse l’essenza del loro sentimento. Io ero lì per cogliere ogni attimo di quella giornata con la mia macchina fotografica, e assistere alla commovente cerimonia e all’aperitivo a bordo piscina da dove si può ammirare la spettacolare vista panoramica.
Sono stati pronunciati marito e moglie in un allestimento che sembrava una favola: la cornice del loro “SI” è stata un arco di legno naturale decorato con fiori bianchi, e l’iconica campagna toscana come sfondo. La madre dello sposo era l’artista delle decorazioni floreali – perfettamente delicate e deliziose!
Villa Boscarello, una splendida location in Val D’Orcia
Dopo la cerimonia, gli sposi sono stati abbracciati da una gioiosa esplosione di petali di fiori bianchi davanti alla stupefacente location – Villa Boscarello. Lì, uno splendido viale di cipressi conduce all’ingresso: questa è la cornice che abbiamo scelto per alcuni ritratti di famiglia pieni di felicità e amore.
Dato che è stata una celebrazione così accogliente, abbiamo avuto tutto il tempo per girovagare per la proprietà e scattare alcune foto emozionanti degli sposi nei luoghi più affascinanti di Villa Boscarello. Questa elegante casa di campagna, costruita nel 1600 e recentemente ristrutturata, offre una vista mozzafiato sulle colline circostanti della Val D’Orcia: dalla sua piscina lo sguardo può raggiungere Siena e il Monte Amiata! E anche se il tuo piccolo matrimonio all’estero dovesse svolgersi in inverno o durante una brutta giornata, avrai comunque a disposizione le sale spaziose tra cui scegliere, che trasmettono la tipica atmosfera toscana.
Adesso dopo aver letto la storia e visto le foto del piccolo matrimonio intimo di Sam e Jerry in Toscana, sono sicuro che non vedrai l’ora di organizzare il tuo giorno speciale, magari proprio a Villa Boscarello. Se lo desideri, sarò al tuo fianco per trasformare i momenti più significativi in ricordi senza tempo.
A dreamy small wedding abroad, at Villa Boscarello in Val D’Orcia. Lovely bride and groom portrait with the green rolling hills of Tuscany countryside as background. Photo by the Italian wedding photographer in Tuscany based Florence Gabriele Fani
Evocative tuscan countryside rolling hills in the Val d’Orcia near Villa Boscarello, probably the most picturesque landscape ever. Photo by the Italian wedding photographer in Tuscany based Florence Gabriele Fani
Iconic and splendid avenue of cypresses leads to the entrance of Villa Boscarello a wonderful wedding venue in Val D’Orcia located in the countryside of Tuscany. Photo by the Italian wedding photographer in Tuscany based Florence Gabriele Fani
Villa Boscarello, a wonderful wedding venue in Val D’Orcia. This elegant country house, first built in 1600 and recently renovated, offers a breathtaking view of the surrounding hills of Val D’Orcia. Photo by the Italian wedding photographer in Tuscany based Florence Gabriele Fani
A dreamy small wedding abroad, at Villa Boscarello in Val D’Orcia probably the most picturesque landscape ever, don’t you think? Intimate ceremony setup decor that looked like a fairytale: the frame of their “I do’s” was a curtain made of natural wood and white flowers, with the iconic Tuscan countryside as a background. Photo by the Italian wedding photographer in Tuscany based Florence Gabriele Fani
Rustic and elegant intimate ceremony setup decor that looked like a fairytale made of natural wood and white flowers. Photo by the Italian wedding photographer in Tuscany based Florence Gabriele Fani
Candid and genuine wedding photo with groom Sam and groomsmen during preparation just before the intimate wedding ceremony at Villa Boscarello in Val d’Orcia. Photo by the Italian wedding photographer in Tuscany based Florence Gabriele Fani
Lovely bride and father walk into the intimate wedding ceremony at Villa Boscarello located in the countryside of Val d’Orcia in Tuscany. Photo by the Italian wedding photographer in Tuscany based Florence Gabriele Fani
A dreamy small wedding abroad, at Villa Boscarello in Val D’Orcia. Getting married with an intimate wedding abroad. This couple choses Italy as a destination – specifically, they decided to swear eternal love amongst the green rolling hills of Val D’Orcia, probably the most picturesque landscape ever with iconic and evocative green rolling hills as background. Photo by the Italian wedding photographer in Tuscany based Florence Gabriele Fani
Lovely bride and groom are just married. Intimate destination wedding in Val d’Orcia in the countryside of Tuscany at Villa Boscarello, a perfect wedding venue. Photo by the Italian wedding photographer in Tuscany based Florence Gabriele Fani
Lovely bride and groom candid photo while they are walking into the property of Villa Boscarello a perfect venue for an intimate destination wedding in Tuscany. Photo by the Italian wedding photographer in Tuscany based Florence Gabriele Fani
Lovely bride and groom candid photo while they are walking into the property of Villa Boscarello a perfect venue for an intimate destination wedding in Tuscany. Photo by the Italian wedding photographer in Tuscany based Florence Gabriele Fani
Sam and Jerry, two lovely souls and a small wedding abroad. Joyful explosion of white flower petals in front of the astounding venue Villa Boscarello in the countryside of Tuscany in Val d’Orcia area. Photo by the Italian wedding photographer in Tuscany based Florence Gabriele Fani
Elegant and beautiful bride with bridesmaids wedding group photo in the evocative splendid avenue of cypresses leads to the entrance of the Villa Boscarello in Val d’Orcia countryside of Tuscany. Photo by the Italian wedding photographer in Tuscany based Florence Gabriele Fani
Beautiful and elegant classic bridal portrait at Villa Boscarello, a wonderful venue in Val D’Orcia in the countryside of Tuscany. Photo by the Italian wedding photographer in Tuscany based Florence Gabriele Fani
Lovely and elegant bride and groom walks in the most charming spots of Villa Boscarello during their dreamy intimate wedding abroad, at Villa Boscarello in Val D’Orcia. Photo by the Italian wedding photographer in Tuscany based Florence Gabriele Fani
Sam and Jerry’s small intimate wedding abroad felt just like a dream. An intimate event that took place in a fabulous location in the heart of Tuscany Villa Boscarello, in Val D’Orcia. Photo by the Italian wedding photographer in Tuscany based Florence Gabriele Fani
Lovely and elegant bride and groom walks in the most charming spots of Villa Boscarello during their dreamy intimate wedding abroad, at Villa Boscarello in Val D’Orcia. Photo by the Italian wedding photographer in Tuscany based Florence Gabriele Fani
A dreamy small wedding abroad, at Villa Boscarello in Val D’Orcia. Sam and Jerry’s small wedding abroad felt just like a dream. An intimate event that took place in a fabulous location in the heart of Tuscany. Photo by the Italian wedding photographer in Tuscany based Florence Gabriele Fani
Dreamy intimate wedding dinner with gorgeous Tuscan countryside view at Villa Boscarello. Photo by the Italian wedding photographer in Tuscany based Florence Gabriele Fani
Dreamy intimate wedding dinner with gorgeous Tuscan countryside view at Villa Boscarello. Photo by the Italian wedding photographer in Tuscany based Florence Gabriele Fani